Category: Gynecology

High Breast Cancer Risk: When to Begin Screening

Some people will debate whether too much of a good thing is a good thing. We say yes, it’s especially a good thing when talking about screening for high-risk breast cancer. It is recommended that women with a high breast cancer risk screen for breast cancer earlier and more often than women with a normal breast cancer risk. For those women with a high breast cancer risk, when should you begin screening?

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Things That Can Cause an Abnormal Pap Smear

Women routinely have Pap smears during their well-woman appointments typically every three years until they are age 65 and older. Once results have been reviewed, if there is anything out of the ordinary, Kennesaw Gynecology may call to inform you the test was abnormal and discuss next steps. No need to fret, let’s go through some common causes of an abnormal Pap smear.

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Fibroids: Myths vs Facts

There are many misconceptions about fibroids making it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Let’s start with the facts. One half of American women will develop fibroids by age 50. You are 3 times more likely to develop fibroids if your mother or grandmother had them. African American women are 3 times more likely to get them versus Caucasian women. Now let’s debunk myths you may have heard.

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Managing Fatigue Caused by Uterine Fibroids

Maybe you thought your fatigue was due to all of life’s daily grind, plus picking up the kids from after school activities, grocery shopping after a day of work, and then of course, laundry, cooking dinner, playing peacemaker, cleaning, and wearing multiple hats. All that would certainly make anyone tired! However, when you have fibroids, something else is adding to that fatigue and exhaustion. Time to make managing fatigue caused by uterine fibroids a priority.

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Why Your Yeast Infection Should Be Evaluated By Your OBGYN

As most ladies know, yeast infections are quite common. You know you have one when you suddenly get that burning sensation when urinating and a discharge develops. You’ve had recurring bouts that you have successfully treated at home, so what might be some reasons why your yeast infection should be evaluated by your OBGYN?

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