Author: Kennesaw Gynecology

What To Expect When Changing Birth Control Methods

Every prescription medication we take has side effects, and some of those side effects can be unpleasant. The same goes for birth control. If you find your current birth control pills are causing troublesome side effects, you can talk to Kennesaw Gynecology about changing methods. Here’s what to expect when changing birth control methods.

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Why Your Yeast Infection Should Be Evaluated By Your OBGYN

As most ladies know, yeast infections are quite common. You know you have one when you suddenly get that burning sensation when urinating and a discharge develops. You’ve had recurring bouts that you have successfully treated at home, so what might be some reasons why your yeast infection should be evaluated by your OBGYN?

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Sensitive Topics Worth Mentioning To Your OBGYN

Most of us are wary of looking stupid or asking stupid questions, but at your OBGYN, there is no such thing as a “stupid” question or subject. Trust us, we have heard it all. So squelch that feeling, and ask us whatever you want. That’s why we’re here. Here are just some sensitive topics worth mentioning to your OBGYN.

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Is My Painful Intercourse Due to A Gynecologic Condition?

If you have never experienced pain during intercourse, consider yourself lucky. It is actually quite common. 3 out of  4 women have pain during sexual intercourse at some point in their lives. Sometimes it goes away, but for other women it becomes chronic. These women usually ask: Is my painful intercourse due to a gynecologic condition?

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What To Expect During An IUD Insertion

Once you have made the decision to get on contraception, you will need to decide on a contraceptive method. One popular form is an IUD. It is better than 99% effective, so it is considered the most reliable birth control method available. Let’s walk through what a woman can expect during an IUD insertion.

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